Shape 5 - Intrigue

Shape 5 - Intrigue

AUTHOR Author: Shape 5 license License: Other open source / Free license
SUBMITED BY Submited by: shape5 (60) Favoured Favoured: 3
ADDED DATE Added Date: 2011-03-09 13:46:34 MODIFY DATE Modify Date: 2011-03-17 17:06:40
VIEW View: 3383 DOWNLOAD Downloads: 1025
REVIEW Demo View: 3195
TAGS Compatibility: joomla 1.6
TAGS Tags: Clean  Business  Neutral 
TAGS Options: Multiple Color  Demo Installer  Fluid width  Fixed width 
Download: Shape 5 - Intrigue
Intrigue is our latest free Joomla template release in honor of the release of Joomla 1.6! This template is fully compatible with native Joomla 1.6. It comes with great features that you wouldn't expect in a free template like a drop down suckerfish menu, custom column widths, custom page widths, fixed of fluid layout, and custom highlight and background colors; set the background bars to any color you want! Be sure to check out the demo for a live preview.

* Choose fluid or fixed template widths
* Custom column, and page widths
* 21 collapsible template positions
* SEO Optimized
* Custom Highliight and Background Colors
* Site Shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)
* SQL dump available
* RTL Language
* Validates with XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* Validates with CSS Level 3
* Joomla 1.6 Compatible
* Suckerfish Menu System
* Compatible with the following browsers:

o IE7+
o Firefox 1.5+
o Opera 9+
o Safari
o Advant
o Chrome


Please UnZip FIRST

It has 3 file:
- Joomla Template
- Quick install of Joomla 1.6 combined with the template and the layout shown on our demo. Within a few minutes you can have your site up, running and looking just like our demo!
- Demo data sql dump. username:admin password:admin

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