JP - Travel Template

JP - Travel Template

AUTHOR Author: JoomlaPlates license License:
SUBMITED BY Submited by: Joomlaplates (58) Favoured Favoured: 6
ADDED DATE Added Date: 2011-01-08 05:33:23 MODIFY DATE Modify Date: 2011-07-22 06:31:20
VIEW View: 9021
REVIEW Demo View: 8426
TAGS Compatibility: joomla 1.7 joomla 1.6 joomla 1.5
TAGS Tags: Hotels  Entertainment  Business  Architecture  Clean 
TAGS Options: Demo Installer  Fixed width 

The JP - Travel Joomla Template is very clean and very flexible.
We have build in: jQuery Superfish Menu, Slimbox and ToolTip. It is easy to customize and can be used for many clean designs. It is fast loading and has collapsible modules for all module positions. We included the popular Slideshow and an amazing Article Slider in the middle of the page where you can store your images or articles.

It is fast loading and has collapsible modules for all module positions. We included the popular Slideshow and the jQuery Menu, Lightbox and ToolTip.
- Native Joomla 1.5 / 1.6 Template
- Table-Less with collapsible Modules
- Fully compatible >Safari, Chrome, IE7, IE8, Firefox 1.5/2/3
- Native jQuery Superfish Menu, Slimbox & ToolTip
- PSD template File included
- Preconfigurated Slideshow and Article Slider
- Demo installer included ( SQL and images)

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