Black Style Joomla Template

Black Style Joomla Template

AUTHOR Author: ThemZa Team license License: Other open source / Free license
SUBMITED BY Submited by: themza (34) Favoured Favoured: 1
ADDED DATE Added Date: 2011-07-11 11:22:07 MODIFY DATE Modify Date: 2011-07-16 06:46:17
VIEW View: 689 DOWNLOAD Downloads: 346
REVIEW Demo View: 638
TAGS Compatibility: joomla 1.6
TAGS Tags: Portfolio  Portal  Personal pages  Neutral  Blog 
TAGS Options: Settings/Parameters  Multiple Color  Fixed width   
The Black Style Joomla 1.6 template from ThemZa, which gives you the option to add your own slide images in the banner area and have them alternate at a rate chosen by you, is suitable for setting up a personal weblog.

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